Thursday, April 30, 2009

Lies and the liars who spread them...(apologies to Al Franken)

More from Muskegon's Gaza Strip -

Well, Lars Spittoon is spinning and misrepresenting the truth (as is his wont from time to time) with aplomb...

And what can we expect from an elected official who thinks that his serving on the board of a neighborhood association is O.K., and that living in Muskegon twenty years makes one more equal, more of a citizen, than one who has lived here less than five. This must be Spittoon's idea of being a Commish.

(And Lars, no one wants to dissolve NNIA; we enjoy the ironic fruitlessness of their existence.)

But let us also acknowledge that the rest of Nelson folk (the "other" people) deserve an alternative group. They, some with good reason, distrust and feel uncomfortable with NNIA; but what do they know?

Case in point:
An untrue and possibly actionable e-mail, written by Lars, who also is an employee of Muskegon County , as well as being a Commish, has been generally circulated, in hard copy with the collusion of some NNIA board members. This bit of partial fact casts aspersions on a citizen, who is known to have performed great service to Nelson Neighborhood, sponsoring a food truck, helping people find housing, organizing, with the assistance of local clergy, a fund-raiser to help an AIDs victim; additionally, one who has also helped start a successful community garden, recruited members for a local Lion's Club in order to aid in promulgating a much needed youth center...This is laughable; anyone who knows this person knows that Lar's comments are untrue.
Additionally, This individual, who Lars has decided to attack, has never demanded anyone be fired; has never threatened to defund a grant. The truth Lars (sit down boy, we know you seldom recognize the truth), is that the (at that time) grant facilitator threatened that, saying something to the effect that asking questions could cause the whole grant to be withdrawn. Also, the Director of Co. Public Health threatened to ask the State of Michigan to cancel its contracts regarding the Healthy Neighborhoods program. Never did the victim of Lars' poison e-mail threaten to defund the grant!

One wonders at the reason...Is our "drive slow, smile and wave" boy (who, we know, never lies)
simply losing his grasp of reality?

What's up Liars, I mean, Lars? You seem to be scurrying about like a rat on a sinking ship!
...Hmmm... And where is the Nelson neighborhood City Commissioner? What is she doing to counter the slander?

There's more, but my sentences are becoming more complex and I don't want to confuse Lars with all the punctuation!

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