Friday, April 10, 2009

Crap, By Any Other Name, Still Stinks...

From the Gaza Strip - Broken-by-the-Lake Muskegon -

"Nelson Neighbors United" the unnatural spawn of an already in shambles group of self-serving cronies (not even worthy of the title "Neighborhood Association") has to be commended for at least revealing true colors. This is a select, very exclusionary, few who want to promote the BUSINESS interests (and we all see how well they've done so far: "Main Street Muskegon", Gary Posthole's "Strolling Market"...)and find a means to give Dan the Echo-Monkey an income.

If you send an e-mail sent to the President-by-default of the Nelson Neighborhood Improvement Association, and ask,"Who constitutes the membership of NNU? How were they selected? Was the Nelson neighborhood informed?" you will receive an evasive non-answer and you will be told to call on the telephone...For obvious reasons, the NNIA and it's miscreant off-spring do not want anything in writing...With a phone conversation, they can simply deny it (and will if it suits their cabalistic purposes).

William K. Black, bank regulator, author of "The Best Way to Rob a Bank is to Own One", points out that our current economic crisis was preventable, but for the greed and lack of ethics of a small group of bankers (AIG, Goldman-Sachs, Lehman Bros....etc.) operating in collaboration with, then Secretary of Treasury Paulson ( a former president of Goldman-Sachs). What Prof. Black goes on to say, is that, when capitalists and politicians act ethically, capitalism works quite well and, mostly, everyne gets some benefit. Nelson Neighbors United, and their totally unethical parent organization need an enema and when the stink alleviates, maybe, just maybe, some ethics might creep in. Wouldn't that be refreshing?

In the meantime, all you circle-dancers, keep slowing down, smiling and waving.


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