Monday, June 25, 2007

Nothing funny about true fascism in action...

HYSTERICAL DISTRICT, Crack'd Muskegon - Today, I am filled with sadness and deep anger at the travesty that took place as justice was crushed under the wreckers machinery. The owner, bloddied and isolated in jail in an attempt to coerce his assigning ownership of his property to a church, or have it (and it's contents) destroyed. The battered owner stood fast and the the wrecker, guarded by those who serve the monied and powerful, did it's work.

The media arrrvied, to be immediately approached by the minions of the perpetrators in an attempt to manage the news.

Those of us who belive in justice and democratic liberty would do well to remember the victim is not the culprit, though some would try to make it so seem; but record the names the deeds of the people who acted against the rightful owner and boycott their businesses, shun them in public, vote against them at every opportunity, press for their expulsion fom public life. They are villains. (If we were ayatollahs, we could declare a "fatwah" against Hysterical Society and the Alfred E. Neuman Society's Circle dance conductors...But sadly, we're not.) Maybe someone could "pie" them!! There's a tasty tought!

Well, apologies to those who look for some satire on this isn't here at the moment; but, give us some time and we'll direct our own wrecking ball of humorous insults and observations from here in Muskegon's Gaza Strip. In the meantime, drive slow, smile and wave! Custard or bananna cream anyone?


Anonymous said...

Vote them all out. Have right in candidates.


Anonymous said...

I saw it on the news and felt overwhelmed with sadness. I pity all who live in Muskegon, I still want to know why that church was even involved. Why didn't the church help the nephew fix it up? The Church helped the building come down by not helping the new owner. How pompas of the good do'ers to think it should be signed to them, be rest assured this will not be quickly forgotten.

Kathy Chambers
Ludington, Mi.

Anonymous said...

Thanks to Kathy for speaking out and telling this city what others think of it's kindness to a long standing member of the community. If you notice, most people are anon because they know that retribution is right around the corner for those who support the underdog. Unfortunately most are unable to move away but thankfully those that can, have. They are tired of the "same ole same ole" excuses month to month and year after year. According to some in so-called "power", it's just the way it is in Muskegon, the culture is that kids run this town and then as adults they just spread their business out on the street and collect government money because "they can't find a job". Pompous is a great word for the ones that claim to want to help others. They only help if you want to follow their rules and make them look good. No Christianity in this town, uh uh!