Thursday, April 3, 2008

Back from Respite

Gaza Strip - Broken City, MI -My respite is over and I'm returning to the broken city. Whats this I hear from the streets? Is there talk of a casino? Will it ever come to pass or is it just another faded memory. I also hear Muskegonites are growing weary of business as usual and the " drive slow, smile and wave" technique often suggested by Lars Spatoon just isn't cutting the mustard. Residents want the street walkers off the streets. They want to drive only dodging potholes. No more dodging unruley teens with arses and raggedy underwear showing.

On another related note, it appears I'm not alone in the world we call online. While resting by the seashore I had plenty of quiet time to surf the web. So now, Its my duty to share direct links to other Muskegonites who have decided to use online blogs and forums to be heard. City Commissioner Lars Spitoon, Prancing Master Bud Boardboy, and Danny the Dancing Monkey may be deaf but perhaps they can read.

The forum just one week old started in protest of the great tradition of the Hearst Newspapers and the Murdoch journalistic endeavors of the Muskegon Chronicle who erases, waves away and otherwise bans free exchange Muskegon Comical is a place to write and read with freedom.

Another 2 great places I ran across are MuskegonPundit and Live Dangerously Be A Conservative both sites worth a read.

For now folks, I leave you with a song of my respite days by the sea.


live dangerously said...

Hiya Dennis.

Welcome back to this (as a friend says) our little piece of paradise on the West Coast of Michigan. Just got to your blog. Great sense of humor. This country needs to start laughing at itself a little more. I've wondered about the complaint another of your commenters made about the city's responsibility to keep the sidewalks clean. A few years back I was told by the city I believe that if there was a half of an inch difference in the heigth of the sidewalk sections that they had to be torn out and replaced by me at my cost. Insurance and public saftey were the reasons. So I guess 2 feet of broken up compacted snow thrown onto the sidewalks along Peck St or Apple Ave. is safe and the insurance doesn't care. Well that's big little gov. for you. Fairly recently a friend and I were talking about the city making a law about having to keep your yard raked. He told me (and this guy has been around longer than I so I believe him) that the city is exempt from having to rake the vacant properties they own. Oho well, I guess it's do as I say and not as I do. Kind of a liberal mantra lately. Anyway thought I'd say hi and thanks for the heads up on your site, and help.

Regards, Live Dangerously, be a Conservative.

Crack'd Writers said...

Honestly there are a few of us here. at Crack'd. Now on to the Gaza Strip. The more I think about it the more I think that thinking fixes nothing and action does,

We have comissioners and they represent us.Lets go and take this city back by showing up at meetings and have our voices heard.

Get the thugs and underwear out of the streets and bring in some business,

Stop trying to be Grand Haven, hell as my fans have said. We are the beer tent capital of the world and we need some beer tent jobs to match.

live dangerously said...

You're right about the thinking vs the acting thing. I'm way too far into the thinking part. Looked up when the next commission meetings were and they are the 7th + 8th I think the time was 5:30. If we could get together in person or thru email maybe we could present a united front. Maybe not. What do you say. I saw that if we represented a group (?) we would have more time inwich to state our case if we have one. snikker.
Regards, Living Dangerously

Crack'd Writers said...

My experience is download the work packets and see what they are voting on. As a resident they try to refer you back to your local neighborhood association with any problems that are not on the voting docket.

To make a proposal it better be well written. It will then be sent to the less than satisfactory city manager to be reviewed for future discussion.

Calre Shephard will ask questions of you, Larry Spataro will lecture and the rest including the mayoor just look at you.

Anonymous said...

I'm dumbfounded by the numbers. 48 assaults in 3 months is high. They keep telling us the crime is down. If that is down what is average?

Scarey days ahead.