Sunday, July 8, 2007

An Idea Before Its Time...

The Gaza Strip, Broken City, MI - A passing brain-fart of an idea, but it just sounds like it might be fun: Suppose if, on July 14th (Bastille Day), around noon, all of you who object to the arrogant, though often amusing, actions of the City Attorney, the City Manager, Mayor "Little Adolph" Kaboozer, Commissioner "Liar" Spitoon and the rest of the Dancing Dildoes, started to bang on pots and pans, drums, (fireworks are O.K. too), just to let them know that you are tired of their gob-shite attitudes and want resignations...!

Why Bastille Day? Because the French Revolution was the first successful people's revolution! The Amercian Revolution, though earlier in history, was a revolution of commercial, rum and slave based economy, wealthy white male land-owners against the British Crown's power to tax and exercise police powers....

So rock and roll, rattle those pots and pans, shoot off the last of your Fourth of July fireworks and fly a rainbow flag, if you have one!....Drive slow, smile and wave a flag of concensus and peace....!!! Fourteenth of July; make a joyful (and loud) noise!!

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