Friday, August 8, 2008

Incompetence? Mismanagement? Why is Muskegon Broken by the Lake?

A view from the Gaza Strip-Broken By The Lake, MI....So Muskegon, how'd that Casino deal work,out for ya? And say, what about the Shoreline Hotel? A Strolling Mall? Why not? You are the fastest self destructing city in Michigan! Hey, maybe there's an award, with a trophy, for that...Well, don't be depressed, you can always go and drive around your precious, tiny round-about...Drive around and around and around until you catch your own tail!

In the meantime, shootings at Seventh and Monroe (can't blame the Heights for this one) and elsewhere in Nelson, may just pry some police away from the strenuous Summner Celebrations watch duty to do some real police work! And, just maybe, after they've practiced more, maybe, they will be up to evicting a squatter from his illegal squat on Houston!

Of course this is a city that can, when moneyed interests whine, can evict an old man from an archtecturally significant home and demolish it, so the sanctioned looters can swoop in and steal anything of immediate value (remember the Church of St. Avarice/Hysterical Society/ Lars Spitoon/Dan the Dancing Dutchboy and Echo-monkey/Greg "Prancing Master" Boardboy, Will Wrong and the Nelson Circle Jerk Association coalition actions of the near past) ; but cannot evict one, drugged-out, illegal squatter, so the new (and legal) owners can move in and re-hab the home, add to the value of the area and help improve the tax-base. So, how's goin' for ya, Muskegon? ...Maybe you sell your Sphincter City award for its raw mineral value, or, just maybe, the citizens (those are'nt too busy in there meth labs or avoiding child-support payments) can vote the incompetents out of office and get some new incompetents least the change might be refreshing!

Laughing by the Lake, we remain your Crack'd Muskegon Newz writers.


Anonymous said...

you should'a ran for office...

Anonymous said...

crack heads amidst could do better than the group we have in office now.......