Monday, July 12, 2010

NNIA Strikes like an Adder Do

From Muskegon's Gaza Strip -

Apparently, on Thursday, the Nelson Neighborhood Improvement Association, which has never show an interest in doing anything in the 87th street area of Nelson neighborhood, got the Nelson School to open up it's doors to a program to provide meals and recreation for kids...On the surface this seems O.K. doesn't it? But remember, you've got Larry Spataro, Dolly Hiptchkin and the more nefarious than you might think Marcia Hovey-Wright involved.

Why open a program of this nature right across the street from Love Fellowship Baptist Church, which houses the original Volunteer Muskegon program (this was because of the unsuitability of drug-infested St. Joe's Park, original NNIA location for the program. You will recall that NNIA withdrew it's offer of $2000.00 when their venue was rejected)? Could it be that NNIA wants Love Fellowship Baptist Church to fail? Could it also be that the stain of NNIA's actions would be negated and Marci Hovey-Wright's record would be cleared in this regard? Hmmm.

That there are now two programs providing meals and recreation for kids for the summer is a good thing in itself. that they are right across the street from one another is, albeit redundant, still a good thing! I simply question the motives of the NNIA board members. Their history merits skepticism...(Remember Larry Spataro's libelous letter regarding the co-ordinator of Love Community Garden and Marcia Hovey -Wright's part in distributing hardcopies of that letter and the vicious lies told by Dolly Hiptchkin).

Watch these people closely; they cannot be trusted!


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