Wednesday, June 23, 2010

NNIA Rides Again!

Still Broken by the Lake -

Hi folks, Ol' Dennis is back! Why ? Well our very own Nelson Neighborhood Improvement Association (Larry Spataro, Marcia Hovey-Wright, Dolly Hiptchkin...etc...) is up to it's skullduggery again! Here's the story:

Volunteer Muskegon was initiating a summer program for kids in the Nelson Neighborhood which included breakfast, some recreation and and lunch. NNIA was providing the venue, their very own adopted, St. Joseph Park, as well as kicking in $2,000.00 (grant money?). The person heading the Volunteer Muskegon project went to inspect the park and found, besides discarded drug paraphernalia, there were no bathrooms, no drinking water; also, the park has been the site of frequent drug deals and is in proximity to some gang violence (including shootings). When NNIA was asked to find a new, more safe, venue. NNIA said, in effect, "No. It's this location or nowhere."

Volunteer Muskegon said they, out of concern for the safety and well-being of the children, had to find somewhere else to hold their program, NNIA then said they would withdraw their offer of $2,000.00. Further when a community church, which was more safe, had bathroom and water available, became the venue, the head of Volunteer Muskegon was subjected to angry phone calls from NNIA board members.

In their arrogance, Nelson Neighborhood Improvement Association, in complete disregard for the purpose of the program (providing meals and recreation for neighborhood kids), made this about "counting coup", chalking up points to appear to be doing something positive for Nelson Neighborhood. Well done, Marcia Hovey-Wright, we'll keep this event in mind as well during the primary election!

Larry, are you thinking of running again?

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