Friday, May 30, 2008

Do You Have Your Upscale Yet?

Gaza Strip-Cracked Muskegon-Broken By the Lake- What is upscale you ask? Being or appealing to affluent consumers. Do you have your upscale yet? Well I know I don't. Thats right folks you need upscale to live in Downtown much longer cuz Cary Posthole says so. He thinks building an UPSCALE strolling market will save downtown. Do you think he reads the crime stats for downtown? Has he driven past all the foreclosures and falling down houses or does Posthole just stay in his upscale hole and his homeland of Norton Shores? Looks like the echo-monkey Dan the dancing Dutch-boy is in favor of the strolling market too. I wonder if the "Circle Dancers" are all excited? How many residents in Muskegon have Upscale?

Now when Posthole goes Upscale it is off the blood sweat and tears of us Non-Upscale folks. Posthole gets BIG tax breaks to build Downtown Condo's and Upscale shops while we the working class get our taxes raised to make up the difference.He gets to cater to the affluent while we try to figure out how to make ends meet in these troubling economic times.Thats right folks........the man gets major tax breaks while acting as if he is doing us a favor by being here. Are we ready for a Tea Party in the Broken Lake soon?

As always....... you know the drill, drive and wave!


Nelson Neighborhood said...

I would like to have LD tell us about the tax breaks Post gets. This isn'tright. 3rd street is starting to come alive and he wants to compete with them and the Farmers Market.

If he does do this I want him taxed.

Nelson Neighborhood said...

Also I don't think we need upscale shops. They won't makeit and they are only for the elite who don't live here.

Anonymous said...

I live in Muskegon (Laketon Twp.). So far this year my husband and I have spent two different weekends in Saugatuck, took a day trip to Grand Haven and visited Pentwater numerous times. Why? Because we like strolling around these little towns. We get to people watch, try different restaurants and visit the unique shops they have. And even with the economy, we are not the only ones stolling around these towns.

Last winter I bought Christmas presents for some of my friends and family at the few little shops we currently have downtown – Jilly's Gallery, Clay Avenue Station & Cellars, Sun, Wind, and Rain and the Cheese Lady.

With gas prices as they are I sure would love to do my strolling, eating and shopping in downtown Muskegon.

I personally welcome the changes. It’s exciting to see all the activity going on and it sure does beat doing absolutely nothing as we have been doing since our fatal decision to destroy our original downtown by bringing in a mall.

Anonymous said...

I think a strolling upscale area is fine if the tax breaks aren't included. Why should we pay and Post not? Saugatuck business owners have been struggling for years along with GH. If Post wants to build this he ha s the right but I want him to pay his fair share of tax money. Isn't Post the guy that fought the casino because he doesn't want that king in downtown now he wants upscale? hmmmmmmmmm?

Muskegon Resident

Anonymous said...

We have the strolling Farmers Market with specialty bakeries, artists and fresh produce. We have new business on 3rd street. It would be sad to see this establishments suffer because of Post and his plans. I would rather see other venues verses a strolling downtown market. However, I have no say and the residents of downtown have no say. We simply foot the bill.

Muskegon Downtown Resident who pays tax so Post can cater to elite

Anonymous said...

We need jobs not specialty shops. I'm getting sick and tired of this whole downtown garbage. Clean the waters and bring in clean user friendly campgrounds. No more upscale shops that can't make it. My wife works with one of the owners of Clay Ave and they don't make enough to even meet the bills. If they didn't have jobs the place would fold.

They all put a spin on it to make people think alls ok but most of us know better.

If Post gets tax breaks again I'm fighting my raised tax bill.

Anonymous said...

When a city is as in as bad of shape as Muskegon to try to turn it into upscale is a freaking joke. What planet do these people live on? Try to get regular shops. A strolling area of shops we all might use. That would be sustainability.

I can't afford specialty shops. What are they thinking?

Pie in the sky elitism is taking root.

Sheldon Neighborhood