Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Some Thoughts while Driving slow, Smiling and Waving...

Hystercal District - Broken City, MI - What is that we hear from west of Business 31? Is it not the sounds of marching feet (with the ever so faint sounds of martial wassail songs wafting across on the lake breeze) as the Heritage Society begins it's 1st Annual Armband ceremony? Yes, kiddies, you can join now and proudly wear your armband proclaiming to all that you are special!

You can join like-minded members in dramatic torch-light parades, and sing marching songs and strut about. Then, in your secret meetings, you can scheme and conspire to acquire (by any means available - remember "Macht is Recht!") and tear down architecturally and historically significant homes and assert your self-importance (After all, are you not the HERITAGE SOCIETY? Do you have armbands? Of course you do! And soon you will have badges undt uniforms undt medals undt rule for a THOUSAND YEARS!!!).

Seig Heritage, Seig Heil!

We Must Love our Heritage Society!

Muskegon, MI - Broken by the Lake -We think the Heritage Society is wonderful! Look how they have cleverly conspired with the St. Avarice Episcopal Church to acquire the Sieradski property for less than it was really worth...We should all admire the character and class both organizations have displayed throughout the recent episode!

We know the Chronicle admires the Society, because it apparently shields it from all criticism, or negative commentary in it's online forum. In the great tradition of the Hearst Newspapers and the Murdoch journalistic endeavors, the Chronicle erases, waves away and otherwise bans free exchange (as well they should) when it concerns the Heritage Society.

As we all know, free and open exchange of opinion is dangerous to fascism...even the teeny weeny kind here in the Broken City.

Monday, September 10, 2007

A New Opportunity for the Broken City...

Muskegon, MI - Broken by the Lake - An untapped resource, the Muskegon airport men's room, can be developed into another tourist attraction...Taking the lead provided by Minneapolis and, yet another revealed Republican Congressional pervert, we have yet to publicize the attractiveness, and intimate environs of the stalls in the men's room.

Marketing opportunities, trading cards, tee-shirts, incense, candles, souvenier K-Y lubricant tubes sporting photos of Lars Spitoon, Bud Boardboy, the cast of the Heritage Players, and other ass-holes, abound. This would be fitting with the Sphincter City Awards just around the corner. So act now, get in on the bung bonanza that waits...

Money to be made, Muskegon...Stick that in your Heritage Society!

The Closing Circle...

Muskegon, MI - Broken City- Apparently, the agreed to deal cut between St. Avarice Episcopal Church and the Society of Pretencious Heritage on the Day of Demolition, has gone through. The gob-shites of the Heritage Society now own the property criminally stripped away from an old man earlier this summer.

So, now, what about the cabal? Liar First Class and City Commissioner Lars Spitoon, Prancing Master Bud Boardboy, and Danny the Dancing Monkey - what about them? Lawsuits to follow? What about Co-Conspirator, Mayor Ish Kaboozer? Well kiddies, it's up to you. Do you allow this criminal cycle to continue, or will you do something about it? If anyone has any fiendishly funny ideas for confronting the Heritage Society as well as the Criminal Cabal, let us know...

Words from the underground for the Heritage Players: ...Huberis, Homartia, Nemesis...
And for Lars Spitoon: ...Karma...

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Kevin R. Davies 1951-2007

Muskegon, MI - the Broken City-Muskegon City Commissioner Kevin R. Davis died Sunday. It is a loss to his family, friends and all who believe in honesty within politics. Davies practised truth verses sneaking around for personal gain. Something that is rare in the Broken City of Muskegon. In the Gaza Strip our many hearts ache for those he left behind. Sadly, we must be faced with the void of a true voice in politics and the loss of a great man of the world.

Kevin R Davies will be remembered as one who took the time to care with an open mind and a honorable soul. A life worth celebrating.

Saturday September 8, 2007 from 3-7 P.M.
The Bayside Centre (Cobwebs and Rafters)
3006 Lakeshore Dr., Muskegon, MI.

MEMORIALS: Gift of Life (giftoflifemichigan.org)
Envelopes will be available. YOUNG 231-722-3873